NOVEMBER 17-18, 2020

Galvanizing Partnerships for Promoting Resilient Agriculture and Food Systems in Africa in the Shadow of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Cultivate Africa

Cultivate Africa is an event organized by the Africa Union Commission in partnership with Hallpax. The main objective of Cultivate Africa is to unlock a concerted multi-stakeholder partnership toward a sustained and effective response leading to averting potential adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food security and nutrition and food systems (production, distribution, trading and market access of agricultural commodities and services).

Track #1 Government & Policy
The track will address the difficulties of creating policies applicable for COVID-19, while balancing health risks and economic challenges.

Track #4 Intra-Africa Trade
Discusses current challenges of trade customs due to lockdown and its effect on trading. The sessions will also discuss the future of Intra-Africa Trading for Agriculture.

Track #7 Women & Agriculture
This track covers all aspects of women’s challenge in the industry due to COVID-19 and discussion on filling the gap.

Track #2 Social Protection
Highlights the response efforts made and the gaps. The track will address approaches being used to inclusive recovery.

Track #5 Supply Chain
Discusses how to safeguard input supply chains for small-scale agricultural producers in the context of COVID-19.

Track #3 Domestic Market
Highlights the disruptions of COVID-19 in the domestic market regionally. Discuss best practices and challenges in different countries.

Track #6 Technology & Innovation
Looks at today’s most cutting edge ideas to help the Agriculture Industry. Innovators and executives from a variety of industries will discuss the evolving landscape of technology-driven solutions and services in supply chain, finance, marketplace, and response to the pandemic.

Track #8 Agribusiness & Finanace
Special focus on fnancial solutions for growers and for input manufacturers and ag retailers.

Featured Speakers
H.E. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko - Commissioner, DREA, AUC
H.E. Wamkele Keabetswe - Secretary General, AfCFTA
Dr. Kundhavi Kadiresan - Managing Director, Global Engagement and Innovation, CGIAR
Dr. Godfrey Bahiigwa - Director, DREA, AUC
Dr. Agnes Kalibata - President, AGRA
Dr. Tshilidzi Madzivhandila - Chief Executive Officer, FANRPAN
Mr. Thomas T. Essel - Secretary General, AFRACA
Ms. Kanayo Awani - Managing Director, Intra-African Trade Initiative Afrexim Bank
Dr. Mitslal Kifleyesus - Matschie - CEO & Farmer, ECOPIA
Mrs. Sithembile Mwamakamba - Programme Manager, FANRPAN
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